From Our Customers
Quality is 10/10 - so impressed! Thanks so much guys, we already have plenty of friends and neighbours who will be choosing your company when they want a pergola
- Jason B.
The patio cover does the job and was a good price. Thank you for the speedy delivery. Really happy with the outcome and it looks really good :)
- Tineka F.
The installer said that these were great quality and fitted together very easily compared with other brands that he installs. Our neighbors are ordering a set now :-)
- Brett A.
Very attractive and a perfect accessory to our garden. Works brilliantly and looking forward to using the half grill (bought separately) for our next bbq. Seamless purchase process and timely delivery.
- David H.
Installed late last year and withstood the recent cyclone so we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this product 10/10 from us
- Lisa D.
Excellent quality product that’s easy to set up. The pergola was done by me and my three daughters and the roller she was done by me and my two sons. Seriously thinking of buying again to cover the rest of my humongous deck.
- Mel N.
Really well designed and engineered.
Went together easily.
Quality fittings and easy instructions.
Two of us put it up in 5 hours.
- Gareth M.
The Komodo style bbq from Living Culture is well worth the purchase. It looks and works great!
- William F.
We were impressed how easy it was to install by two people in about 3 hours. All the parts were clearly marked and the instructions easy to follow. An easy install despite the numerous rain showers moving through on the day.
- Rogan
We love our louvre. On a sunny day our deck gets almost all day sun, so was too hot to sit out for more than 10 minutes. Now we can enjoy as long as we want any time of the day out there with full or partial shade thanks to the louvre system.
- Hannah T.
Superb product, very easy to build, excellent quality. Well worth the money. So happy with the outcome!
- Dave H.
All our friends and neighbours have admired it and now want one themselves.
Highly recommended.
- Glen P.
Great product. Good installation instructions, easy to install. Fits well into surrounding.
- David R.
It ties in really well with the house and looks great. Very happy glad we selected this option. Detailed instruction manual took about 3 hours to put up and not too difficult at all.
- Katrina R.